AFFF Firefighting Foam (AFFF) Class Action Lawsuit

James E By James E
2 Min Read

In recent years, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) has come under scrutiny for its potential link to cancer due to exposure to certain chemicals in the foam. This has led to a significant number of lawsuits, with over 2,500 plaintiffs in federal courts as of August 2022.

AFFF Lawsuit Consolidation and MDL

All AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits in federal courts have been consolidated into a “class action” MDL in the District of South Carolina. This consolidation aims to streamline the legal process and facilitate a more efficient resolution for the plaintiffs.

Health Risks Associated with AFFF

The active chemicals in AFFF firefighting foam, known as PFAS (poly-fluoroalkyl substances), have been linked to various types of cancer. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to PFAS in AFFF can lead to kidney, pancreatic, prostate, or testicular cancer.

Occupational Exposure and Groundwater Contamination

Individuals who worked in professions where AFFF firefighting foam was regularly used, such as firefighters, are at risk of occupational exposure to PFAS. Additionally, individuals who consumed drinking water contaminated with PFAS from AFFF are also at risk of health issues.

Defendants in AFFF Lawsuits

The defendants in these lawsuits are the companies that manufactured and sold AFFF products. These companies, including DuPont and 3M, were aware of the potential toxicity of the chemicals in their products but continued to manufacture and sell them.

Settlement Predictions

The AFFF lawsuits are expected to be resolved in a mass tort global settlement. Plaintiffs with strong cases, such as those with long-term occupational exposure and a diagnosis of cancer, are likely to receive higher settlement payouts. Predictions suggest that settlements could range from $300,000 to $600,000 for top-tier cases.


The AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits highlight the importance of holding companies accountable for the health risks associated with their products. As the legal process unfolds, it is hoped that affected individuals will receive the compensation they deserve.

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